Trigger Points and Muscle Tension

trigger points and muscle tension

What is Trigger Points and Muscle Tension?

Trigger points are hyper-irritable spots in a taut band of skeletal muscle. They produce pain and sensation locally and in a referred pattern. Acute trauma or repetitive microtrauma may lead to the development of stress on muscle fibers and the formation of trigger points. Patients may also experience decreased range of motion and weakness along with pain.

Icing/ Heat Instructions

Ice 20-30 minutes 2-3 times per day

Treatment Plan

The treatment we use for this condition is most often in the form of chiropractic adjustments and medical massage/ trigger point therapy. This condition generally takes 4-6 weeks to resolve when proper treatment and self-care are followed. The doctor may treat you from 1-4x per week according to the severity and history of the condition.